Office of Disabilities Affairs (ODA) Detroit
The last census count placed the population in the city of Detroit as approximately 680,000 people; 126,000 + (roughly, 1-in-5) have disabilities. This population is marginally disadvantaged and are in need of the city of step up to cover us. People with disabilities are educated, homeowners, TAX PAYERS, human beings! We are your family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, and visitors to this city; when we are affected, everyone is affected. Our family, friends, caregivers….the community suffers.
Fed up with the mediocre services, lack of access, lack of employment support, lack of accessible housing, and disrespect; the community of people with disabilities joined forces as a Collective/Focus Group for People with Disabilities to campaign for a fully funded, staffed Office of Disability Affairs.
We strongly agreed on a proposal of adequate positions of “lived experience personnel” of Specialist, ASL, Braille, Employment, Housing, Transportation, Public Access, Intergovernmental Coordination, ADA Coordinator and EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS ***WHICH WE NEED TODAY!!! This city has the responsibility to protect every single citizen in the city. The Focus Group for People with Disabilities have met and presented to the Charter Commissioners, the Detroit City Council and Mayor Duggan.
We need this City to Support a FULL Office of Disability Affairs. When you see it on the Ballot in 2022 under the Charter Revision vote, VOTE YES. Also you can help us by contacting the Mayor, City Council, Charter Commissioners and CRIO and voice your concern for all of us. As the number of Detroiters grow to senior age, at some point, if God is willing, you will be in need of these very same programs, services and the respect.